1843, route du Président-Kennedy Nord
Sainte-Marie (Québec)
G6E 3N7
MEKANIKA wants to use your personal information from 2025-01-06 in order to create your employment candidate file. This data will be used so that the company fulfills its obligations towards you in the context of submitting your application.
In order to do so, MEKANIKA must obtain your consent to collect your personal information.
When it comes to the protection of personal information, the necessity criterion is a fundamental principle: a company must only collect information that is necessary for the intended purpose. The consent of an individual does not allow a company to collect unnecessary information.
In order to administer your application, MEKANIKA requires various personal information by which you can be identified.
By submitting your application or sending your CV, paper or electronic, you are giving your consent. Be sure to read all the information on the form.
Personal information is necessary for MEKANIKA to fulfill its obligations to you in the context of an application and hiring process.
According to the Act, the information listed below is personal information:
- Name
- First name
- Home address
- Home telephone number
- Cell phone number
- Personal e-mail address
- Date of birth
- Driver's license number
- Health insurance number
- Social insurance number
- Passport number
- Salary
- Function/occupation
- Biometric data
- Information on employees, customers or beneficiaries
- Medical information
- Genetic information
- School/academic information
- Banking information/account number/institution/investments/mortgage
- Credit card number/personal identification number (PIN)/cardholder's name/three-digit security code
- Debit card number/personal identification number (PIN)/cardholder's name
MEKANIKA has security measures in place to ensure the confidentiality of the information in its possession.
MEKANIKA will not share your personal information with any third party, except to the extent necessary for a third party to provide services or to obtain referrals to which you have given your prior consent.
In such cases, MEKANIKA will enter into a contract or confidentiality agreement with the third party to ensure that appropriate security measures are implemented and maintained. The third party may eventually have access to your personal information, as well as identifying information, but only to the extent justified by the execution of a mandate or contract.
Your personal information will be kept until the end of the hiring process.
At that time, MEKANIKA will securely destroy your personal information as soon as possible, including information that may have been accessed by third parties in the course of providing services to you.
Any request for access to or modification of personal information may be sent to the address below:
Privacy Officer :
Last name, first name : Faucher, Luc
Email address :
Telephone number : 418 387-5664
MEKANIKA must respond to your request for access, rectification or information within thirty (30) days of receipt.
I confirm that I have read this form and its appendix and that I understand the information regarding the collection, use and retention of my personal information by MEKANIKA.
I understand that my personal information will only be used by MEKANIKA to fulfill its obligations to me in connection with an application for employment.
I consent to the collection, use and retention of my personal information as outlined in this form.
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